Our Clients

Who We Serve
Our clients are typically long-term retirement savers from all walks of life, including families, individuals, and business owners.  We are committed to offering a strong track record of consistency, technical competence, and interpersonal communication.  No matter the situation, we seek to ensure our clients understand the importance of balancing performance with their specific risk tolerance.

Building Our Relationship
We first conduct a “Get to Know You” interview, where we will take financial “inventory” and discuss short- and long-term goals.  We will then build a comprehensive wealth management plan, apply that plan, then periodically review it with you and adapt it as needed. 

Communication Is Key
You can expect personalized communication through periodic reviews, e-mails, and phone calls.  We evaluate our clients’ financial picture at least annually, but will meet more as individual situations dictate.  During these meetings, we will catch up personally, review performance, discuss your goals, have a beneficiary review, and make any changes if necessary.  We prefer to meet in person, but phone calls and Zoom meetings are always welcomed.